For a while I just do not feel like happy with my photography. Something felt missing. I think it started when I stopped looking forward to the photography magazines being released and then I stopeed reading the magazines and the next thing there is a whole pile of unread photography magazines.
The next thing was not being happy with my photography. I still get out every day taking pictures but when I look through them I do not see any that really make me feel happy.
Another thing is that I have stopped posting on Flickr. I really have got out of the habit of it and I do not think that is helping.
Today though when I was thinking about my photography I realized something which I think could be one of the main reasons I feel so 'Blah' about my photography. I have nothing to focus me, nothing to inspire me and nothing to aim for. No wonder I have been wandering aimlessly.
The things that focused me before was:
- I had the project 365 every day to do
- I had a 30 day project (again one picture a day)
- I took part in a monthly online photography challenge.
This is what happened to those was:
- The 365 day project came to an end.
- I took a break from the 30 day project as it became too much
- The online challenges came to an end temporalily.
I now have to work to get back my direction, focus, inspiration. I do want to improve my photography and I still want to become a professional photographer.
I think what I need to do to get back what I have lost is:
- Find time each day to post something on Flickr. If I do not spend too much time on there then it does not become a chore.
- Take part in another 30 day project.
- Find some other projects on Flickr to take part in
- If I do not want to start taking part in the online photogrpahy challenge competition then I could create my own.
- Start reading my photography magazines again.
Hopefully that will help me get my photography mojo back.
The weather is sadly thawing out at the moment, but here are some shot that I got when it was cold (I am pretty happy with how these turned out.