Friday, April 30, 2010

First bee

I have managed to get a shot of my first bee of the year. I think it was low in energy at that point as it was not moving much. It was a great opportunity to get a quick shot of it while the younglings were on their way home from nursery.

I did not get much time to get a shot of it but this it what I managed to get:

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Been busy

Once again I have been very busy so I have not been able to get many pictures taken apart from the daily pictures that I have been taking for my projects.

I think what I will have to do is set off to collect the twins five minutes earlier so that I will be able to get some shots. It is not much time but it will be wirth the extra effort.

I took this picture when taking pictures of my son. I did not use this for the daily shot but I like it. I am not sure why but I do.

Monday, April 19, 2010

New fern

I love spring and seeing new life to photograph.

I especially love seeing new fern. I think it is great how they uncurl before they open up. when I first starting taking photographs I was not able to get the shot that I was after. Ever since then I always try to improve on my fern shots. I was able to get the kind of shots that I was after once I started getting better cameras. I think I will always photograph  opening fern though as I think I will continue to learn new things and improve on each shot.

I spotted my first opening fern today when I was taking the younglings home from school. This is the shot that I got. I was really happy with it.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Action shot

I managed to get a couple of shots of my daughter on the trampoline today. It has been the first time that I have got a good shot of one of my younglings jumping up and down on the trampoline. I am pleased with how the shots look.

Spring is here

It is nice to see the new flowers coming out so that I have got something new to photograph. It has also nice getting brighter days so that I have been able to get the shots.

One of the good things about doing the 30 days projects is that it gets me looking through the pictures that I have taken and sorting out the shots that should be kept and the ones that should go.

Here are a couple of shots that I got of some pretty pink flowers:

Thursday, April 1, 2010

This month

I think I will just set myself the challenge of getting vback into photography.

Starting off small. Getting out and getting the shots. I should also dedicat time to looking through my magazines and seeing what I can test out.