It looks like it is going to be interesting this month. There are sections about Interior shots and getting perfect lighting. Even though I do not like using the flash I think it is good to still develop that skill in case I need to use it (there will be times when I will not be able to get away with not using the flash)
The going pro section is about securing sponsorship from manufacturers. That sounds something that would be really helpful for me (though that would be most helpful now as funds are short and there is always stuff that I am going to need) I will take that with me when I go away next week. I am not feeling well enough to read it tonight. Fluffy romance is the only thing that I will reading tonight.
I have been taking some shots of the sky today. I read that it is always good to have a collection of good sky shots for the times when nature does not provide them (darn that pesky nature for holding out on us when we need it, we are should make everything perfect for us every time)
I am not sure what is causing it but there are a few specks on my pictures. It is either something on the lens or something on the mirror in the camera. I hope it is not the latter, as I have not needed to clean that yet and I am very nervous about doing it. I am not going to do it without a proper kit though. At least Photoshop will fix any problems that I come across (I love CS4)
Today I managed to get some nice sunset clouds (the sun had already set at not long past 3pm so I missed that as I was collecting the younglings from school)
I think I am going to have to find out how to get low light shots without the noise.
I really love photographing frost. I think it looks so pretty.
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