Wednesday, December 9, 2009

More sun shots

When the sun shines that is the time to make the most of it and get as many shots of it as possible.

I do not think I could ever get bored of taking pictures of sunrises, sunsets or the moon. I love looking at them normally. My youngest son was asking this morning why he could only see half of the moon. I briefly told him about the lunar cycles but I will have to show him a lunar chart to help him understand.

I think I will have to find out when the next lunar eclipse is.

I am going to have to give my lenses a good clean soon as I keep having to clone out marks on the pictures. Thankfully as they are only little and are easy to remove. Well easy to remove on the pictures that I have needed to remove them. I thankfully have not come accross anything that is challenging to remove.

Because I was taking shots of the moon I had my bigger lens on. This meant that I was able to get some close up shots of the sun. I used the bush to help break up the brightness of the sun. This also means that we can see the sun's shape.

The moon in the morning:

The morning sun:


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