Thursday, March 1, 2012

What now

Now that I am not doing montly goals I need to find a way of motivating myself to do things without lists.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February tasks

I must confess that I have been so out of sorts that I have not even looked at what I had set myself this month.

I think what I will do is just not bother with the monthly tasks as it is not working well at the moment.

I am also not bothering to put up my project pictures as that was getting too much for me along with posting them on Flickr.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 1 and 32

Here is day 1 of my new 30 day project and 32 of Robyn.

February tasks

This is what I aim to achieve this month:
  1. Read my going pro pack that I bought from Digital photography school
  2. Learn PS5 skills like textures and selective coloring.
  3. Learn new camera skills.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 30


Tohyas last day

January list

This is what I have managed to do this month

Friday, January 27, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Days 23, 24, 25 & 26

Oops I have been bad for uploading the daily shot.


Monday, January 23, 2012

Action shot

I managed to get the action shot tested out today.

I am pleased with what I have done. I think the best way to perfect this technique is just to get lots of pratise (but then again, I suppose that is the same with everything)

I used my objects of the day as test subjects.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A slow start

I have had a slow start to this year with my tasks.

However I will set myself the challenges of learning this photography skill:

How to use zoom blur to add action in your photos

For photoshop I want to relearn how to use color selection and how to use textures in pictures.

Day 22


Robyn decided to cook me some dinner today. It did tast very good.

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A Tohya Jigsaw.

22/30 22/01/12

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 21


Robyn thought she would celebrate the start of the astrological sign Aquarius with a ritual.

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Tohya - What is this.
Me - It is a chart for the different cycles of the moon for this year.
Tohya - Ahhh, why do you need this?
Me - The moon cycles are important with Paganism and influence when certain spells are cast.

21/30 21/01/12

Friday, January 20, 2012

18, 19 & 20

Day 18



Day 19:



Day 20:



Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 16 and 17

Day 16:


Robyn thought that the frost made even wild flowers that have died look beautiful again.

16/366 16/01/12


Tohya had fun playing and hiding in the leaves in the back yard.

16/30 16/01/12

Day 17:


Robyn decided that she would join in with the fun at the tree house party.

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Tohya helps Luke Skywalker escape the Wampa cave.

17/30 17/01/12

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 15


While Robyn had fun playing in the frosty trees, after a while she did get cold. I think she needs gloves, a hat and a scarf.

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Tohya thought the grass looked pretty covered in frost.

15/30 15/01/12

Day 14


Robyn - What has happened to you Kindle?
Me - I have no idea, I switched it on yesterday and it was like that.
Robyn - What are you going to do?
Me - I will have to get a new one. I am so glad that I got the extra accident insurance which will mean I will get a free replacement.

14/366 14/01/12


Feng Shui meets pop art.

14/30 14/01/12

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 13


Robyn was impressed with what my youngest son and his friend created.

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Tohya was impressed when I created a trading card of him.

13/30 13/01/12


Yes I have got CS5 back on my computer. i have missed it.

I have also been out taking pictures for the photography competition at the club I go to. I did not realize that last night was the hand in for it. I decided that I would get some pictures this morning, edit them and get them in.

This is what I managed to get:

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 11 and 12

Day 11


Robyn - What happened here?
Me - The neighbor wanted me to cut down the tree as he was fearful that with the windy weather we have been having that it would fall down on his home. I was not happy when I first saw him as I did not know he was planning to do this (the landlord did not tell me he asked) I managed to keep the tree to hedge level. Hopefully it will start growing again in the spring.
Robyn - I hope so too as I love trees.
Me - It was after this tree was cut that I did the work in the back garden as it was from the neighbor that I borrowed the saw.

11/366 11/01/12


Like Tohya, Charlie my Gargoyle protects me.

It is nice having them both around.

My Gargoyle is special. I got him when I went to Seattle in 1997 (I was very releived that she did not make my suitcase too heavy when I brought him home) Bless him though, he needs a wee bit of repair work.

11/30 11/01/12

Day 12:


New Years resolutions - Workout

Me - I have found a solution to your workout problem.
Robyn - Yes, something that is Fairie sized, thank you.
Me - You're welcome. Have fun.

12/366 12/01/12


Tohya discovered one of mymini broomsticks and thought it would be fun if he could take it for a test ride.

12/30 12/01/12

Going far back

I did not realize how far I would have to go back to start sorting through my pictures and get rid of the duplicates.

I suppose it is a reflection of how long my photographic rut has been going on for. I thought I would look at some pictures from 2010. I thought I had sorted through them, but I had not.

So not I am going to sort through the pictures from 2010 before I finish off 2011 (I have been making good progress with that year)

Thankfully I have made a good start this year as I am sorting as I go along.

I really need to sort through the pictures though as I have over 500GB of stuff. I bet most of that can go

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 10


I went out for a coffee with my friend and I shared it with Robyn. She really liked it.

10/36 10/01/12

Tohya likes my Shinto Shrine so much that he says that he would like to move in there.

10/30 10/01/12

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 9


Robyn - Why are you cutting this down?
Me - I am afraid that it had grown far too big, so it needed to be cut sdown. But do not worry it will grow back.
Robyn - Ah that is good then.

9/366 09/01/12


With a  little bit of help, Tohya was albe to admire his reflection in the mirror.

9/30 09/01/12

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 8


New Years resolutions - Working out

Robyn - What are these for?
Me - You hold them on your hands and squeeze them together.
Robyn - Am I right in thinking that once again I have found something too big for me.
Me - Yes, better luck next time

8/366 08/01/12


There is a man on our street who parks his van in front of our house. we have asked him threee times to move it. He does for a bit, but then starts parking there again.

Tohya and I want him to move his van and put it somewhere else (where I cannot say ;) )

8/30 08/01/12

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 6


Robyn helped me pack away the Christmas decorations (my younglings helped as well)
That made the job so much easier. though sadly the living room looks so bare now that the decorations have gone.

6/366 06/01/12


Looking out

Tohya looks out to make sure that he keeps me protected. Bless him.

6/30 06/01/12

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 5

The weather has not been great recently to get out and take pictures and the lighting is not great indoors either (I really need to build my own light box)

However thankfully now due to my projects I am still getting shots (I could have got out today, but I really did not want to)

Day 5:



New Years resolutions - working out

Robyn - It is time to work off some of the weight that I have put on over the Christmas period.
Me - Erm don't you think those are a wee bit big for you.
Robyn - No I will use my fairie magic to help me.
Me - Don't you think that defeats the point of working out then?
Robyn - Oh...I think I had better find something better then.

5/366 05/01/12


And then there were two.

Tohya was very happy to see that the postman had brought with him another Feng Shui cat.

I think they will become good friends.

5/30 05/01/12

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 3 and 4

Oops I forgot to upload yesterdays pictures.

Here is day 3:


After being shy yesterday, I said that maybe Robyn would feel better if she used the camera instead. I managed to get her to take some shots with my partners camera.
She had fun and told me that she is feeling better about getting her picture taken.

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Tohya was ready for his close up today.

3/30 03/01/12

Here is day 4:


Robyn - When Are you going to take down the decorations?
Me - Soon, I am still happy for them to be up.
Robyn - I am happy for them to be up, but I will help you take them down when you are ready.

Awe bless her

4/365 04/01/12


Tohya like climbing trees, Especially Christmas trees as he thinks they are pretty.

4/30 04/01/12